Sudhakar Verma
September 10, 2017
Introduction to SAT solving using Z3
In Computer Science a SAT(satisfiability) problem is defined as follows
Given a propositional formula comprising AND, OR, NOT and boolean variables(TRUE or FALSE), is there a combination of variables that evaluates the formula to true.
Kunal Gupta
September 2, 2017
Starting with CTF
Capture the flag (CTF) is a traditional outdoor game where two teams each have a flag (or other marker) and the objective is to capture the other team’s flag, located at the team’s “base,” and bring it safely back to their own base.
Gvs Akhil
August 23, 2017
Tries: Pointer free Implementation
In this tutorial, we shall learn how to implement a trie without the use of pointers. The basics and working of a trie should be known beforehand. If not, please read the prerequisuite.
Kumar Abhinav
August 23, 2017
Binary indexed trees/ Fenwick trees
Binary Indexed trees are generally used in problems asking you to update or give the sum of a particular range. Here I am going to deal with two special cases of Fenwick Trees
- Range Update with Point Query
- Range Update with Range Query