Here is a simple problem to introduce you guys to the 'console'. Press F12 on your keyboard to open 'Developer Tools and start exploring... You have to find the correct password.
Arjun Srivastava "Predict whether a new example is malignant or not"
As this is the first week of our weekly questions series.We thought we would start with something easy, Predicting Cancer.Head over [here] to read about the dataset you would use.You should write code to predict wether a new example is malignant or not.You can submit a Jupyter Notebook for the same. the winners would be decide next sunday.Happy Learning.Things to google: sklearn trees, train and test data, jupyter notebook, pandas, numpy.dataset
Web Console, again
Mrigank Krishnan "Some more Exploration."
Now you'll have to make use of breakpoints to crack this one..